January 1, 2011

T-shirt Quilts: The Beginning

I love sewing! When I was eight years old, I learned how to hand sew my Girl Scout Brownie badges onto my sash.  I remember watching my mother use her sewing machine to make my sister's Christmas play costume and thinking how amazing that machine was.  I learned how to use her sewing machine but it wasn't until college when I really started sewing. My grandmother bought me my first sewing machine for Christmas in 2002 and I started experimenting with it.  A friend explained how she made her awesome t-shirt quilt and since I had so many t-shirts, I wanted to make one for myself.  Since it was my first one, I tried to fit as many t-shirts as I could into the quilt and even made a row of t-shirt pockets.

 Turning old worn out t-shirts into a sentimental quilt began my adventures in sewing.  After I made my first one, I decided to continue making t-shirt quilts and so I made one for my sister and then for friends which I'll post later.  The purpose of this blog is to document my adventures with my sewing machine.

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