February 25, 2013

Animal Finger Puppets

I'm working on a quiet book for my son which is such a fun project! It's been taking awhile to complete the pages but its worth it. I printed templates from http://jocelynandjason.blogspot.co.uk and followed her instructions. Such a great site!

I was so excited about these cute finger puppets so I had to post it. I'm still working on the barn and will post that later.

February 8, 2013

February 3, 2013

Football Cake Pops

Happy Super Bowl Sunday! While I'm not the biggest football fan, I love having people over and enjoy the atmosphere and excitement of the game (and of course the commercials). I saw these cute football cake pops on a blog and decided to give it a try. I really enjoy making cake pops and love a new challenge. These took a long time but were definitely worth it. I hand shaped each football and dipped then in chocolate. I used a plastic zip lock bag as a piping bag for the laces. Those were hard to keep straight. Oh well, at least they taste great! Here are some picture of the finished product and some of the process.