
December 28, 2015

Baby Quilt with Initial

I have not posted in awhile so I need to catch up on some posts!  I've still been sewing and creating but my kids have kept me busy which is why I haven't been posting as often as I would like.

Here are a few pictures of the quilt that I made for my one and a half year old niece for Christmas 2015.  I was inspired by other quilts I've seen on Pinterest and I wanted it to have some white blocks scattered throughout the quilt to make the patterned blocks really stand out.  I put my niece's initial in the middle of the quilt and I'm really proud about how it turned out.

December 20, 2015

T-shirt Quilt

I was so excited to make this t-shirt quilt for my grandfather.  I love how each t-shirt has sentimental meaning.  It had been awhile since I made a t-shirt quilt when I started on this one.  This was the first t-shirt quilt that I put strips of fabric between the t-shirts to make the quilt larger.  The blue strips of fabric brought more color to the quilt since there were a lot of white shirts.  I was very pleased with the finished product.